Homebirth in Charlotte, North Carolina
“Only rarely do doctors in training have the opportunity to sit continuously with laboring women for hours. Most are taught to intervene in the normal process so often and so early that they have never witnessed a normal labor and birth.” - Ina May Gaskin
Homebirth is possible in Charlotte, North Carolina and the surrounding areas of South Carolina. There are
The problem is that in NC, the training they have done is not recognized by the state. This makes it very hard for them to broadcast their services. Regardless of this fact, I am here to tell you that homebirth is accessible and a possibility for you and your family. You just need to know where to look.
Homebirth Midwifery Directory
South Carolina
Fort Mill:
Damaris Pittman, CPM with www.birth-choice.com
Lisa Johnson, CPM with www.carolinasmidwife.com
Lori Gibson, CPM with www.moonlightbirth.com
Pam Wilson, CPM with www.anaturalmidwife.com
Jen Kitchton, CPM with www.carolinawildflowerbirth.com
North Carolina
Setup a consultation with a homebirth doula.
Your guide for finding a homebirth midwife in Charlotte, NC
1. Talk to your doula
Doulas are the trusted matchmakers in the birth world. Midwives are more open to entrusting their contact info with a doula than someone they have never met. Doulas are there to vet who can be trusted before handing out their valuable information to just anyone. Many doulas may also be working as midwives helping with freebirth, homebirth and more. You should be able to find at least 10 in the area, so don’t be discouraged if you think there’s only one option for you. Keep looking!
2. Make a facebook post on our local groups
Post to these facebook groups to connect with a local homebirth midwife.
Make sure to include:
Your guess-date (due date)
Your general location
What number pregnancy you are on
What your budget is
3. Ask your local holistic practicioner who they used for their homebirth
There are probably a lot of women around you who have had homebirths that you didn’t even know about! Check with yoga instructors, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and any other holistic wellness center and they may be able to lead you in the right direction.
Reach out to these perinatal specialists who have both have homebirths in Charlotte:
Holistic Childbirth Education with Julie Rauschenplatz
Chiropractic care with Lauren Jetton